
Avoid the downfalls of a digital detox

Print opportunities in marketing campaigns


Digital saturation

Digital saturation and its impact on customers

We are inundated with digital material on a daily basis, including emails, newsletters, billboards and advertising/sales literature. In fact, on 31st January this year it was reported by WARC that “the average consumer is now exposed to 10,000 brand messages a day as advertising increases and spreads across channels, leading to more blocking and skipping by consumers”.

It is pervasive, consuming hours each day that we never get back. Mobile apps have even been created to advise readers of how much time they spend online.

The result? People are “switching off”. The “digital detox” is on the rise, and minimalism is advocating “let go of what does not serve you”.

Added to this is the significant impact of generational behaviours. An email marketing trends firm suggests that 40 percent of digital natives (Gen Y/Z/Millennials) use ad blockers, so will not even see what you send them.

It is, therefore, imperative for businesses to get their messaging and marketing right.

From Digital exhaustion to loyalty and trust

From digital exhaustion to loyalty and trust

A Campaign (UK) reported on a survey by Credos indicated that “Public favorability towards advertising hit a record low of 25 percent in December 2018”, a follow on from earlier comments indicating that trust in advertising was "in long-term decline".

Why is this? 

People are overloaded with content. Often it is repeated. Advertising may delay a user from getting to where they need to go online. Or, material might not be at all relevant to the reader. 

Other more troubling information in the survey pointed to intrusive tactics targeting vulnerable groups or mentioning personal information. 

What can businesses do to get back into a discerning reader’s inbox?

Businesses need to get back to basics and focus on producing online/offline advertising that is engaging and relevant. Success has been experienced where information crosses over with entertainment and being a “force for social good”.

Re-establishing credibility

Emotions and re-establishing credibility

According to Research Gate, the emotions of pride and awe are considered essential to achieving customer loyalty.

Social concerns, friend recommendations, and striving for a higher social class appearance via big (luxury) brands impact on consumer habits.

Canon’s Programmatic Printing is a return to personal connection (not limited to digital pop-up banners/emails). For marketers, this means that everything which can be personalised online can now be personalised in print. This means that digital data can be used to produce printed marketing communications virtually in real time.

Marketers and print service providers can collaborate on campaigns, combining the benefits of print/digitalisation, while communicating with consumers, using tailored content that meets their specific needs.

Think about the opportunities. Imagine a customer has provided contact permissions via a website. He or she then interacts with that site. This interaction triggers an instant, targeted response, based on their browsing behaviour and enabling a targeted message. A pre-designed, personalised communication arrives at their doorstep 48-hours later.

It’s the collision of the traditional marketing world, with the precision and targeting possibilities of digital combining with the personal of print to deliver bespoke messaging that truly resonates.

The result? Providing that missing piece in marketing that’s so desperately needed.

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