Canon Redline Challenge 2022 winner Jiří Durdik had photographed this motocross championship in the Czech Republic before so he had a good idea of where to stand to get the frame he wanted – even so, there was a figure to the right of the shot that he removed by cropping to achieve a more streamlined composition. Taken on a Canon EOS 7D Mark II (now succeeded by the Canon EOS 90D) with a 150-500mm lens at 1/80 sec, f/16 and ISO400. © Jiří Durdik
For action photographer and Canon Ambassador Vladimir Rys, split-second storytelling in a single shot is where the power of still photography lies, especially when it comes to the victories and tragedies of high-speed sports such as motor racing. "The 'decisive moment' is what makes a photograph special," he explains. "It could be the expression on someone's face, a beautiful composition, a light formation or all of these together."
Capturing that special moment was the task set by Canon's second annual Redline Challenge and enthusiast photographers from around the world shared their standout split-second imagery. The 2022 winner is Jiří Durdík, who will receive a Canon EOS R5 and a Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8L USM lens, as well as mentoring from photojournalist and Canon Ambassador Laura El-Tantawy.
Vladimir caught up with Jiří, who is also from the Czech Republic, to discuss the background to his winning shot, creative techniques for capturing sports action and their photographic journeys.