Product Photography 101: 8 Tips For The Perfect Product Photos

Product Photography 101

Product photography is essential in today's visually-driven industry for drawing in customers, boosting your sales, and ensuring that your company succeeds. Hence, mastering the art of product photography is crucial for presenting your items in the best possible light, regardless of whether you're an established small company owner, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a global e-commerce powerhouse.

Required Equipment For Product Photography

To ensure that your product is portrayed in the best way possible, you will need some essential equipment. Here is a list of the required equipment for a successful product photography experience:


Undoubtedly, the camera is at the center of product photography. Having a respectable DSLR or mirrorless camera may greatly enhance the quality of your photographs. These cameras provide you with greater creative flexibility by allowing manual adjustment of parameters, including features like the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Quality cameras are the best investment for successful product photography!

In addition to this, choosing the right lens is just as essential to get the best detail and composition for your product images. For product photography, it’s best to use a lens with a focal length between about 50 to 100mm. As 50mm lenses produce the most accurate perception of a normal human eye, this focal range produces the most lifelike images. Wider lenses can distort products in images; however, they can be used for more creative shots.

Lighting & Reflectors

One of the most important elements of product photography is proper lighting. While natural light may be quite effective, studio lighting equipment can give you more consistent results. Popular options include softboxes, umbrella lights, and ring lights. Reflectors also assist in light bouncing and diffusing, lessening sharp shadows, and producing more uniform lighting. You might want to consider lighting and reflectors next time you are trying to photograph your products!


Sharp, crisp photos can only be captured on a solid base. This can be easily and most successfully achieved through a tripod. In product photography, a reliable tripod is your greatest friend. It eliminates camera shaking and enables accurate composition changes, especially when using shorter shutter speeds. Purchasing the right tripod can greatly enhance your product photography skills!


Your product photographs should have a plain, uncluttered background. Backdrops, which can be seamless paper rolls, cloth, or even specially designed sets, can be used to accomplish this. White, black, gray, or light pastels are examples of neutral hues that are frequently used because they help your product stand out. Avoid backdrops that are too crowded as they might deter your audience’s attention from your product.

Product Photography Tips

Now that you have the necessary equipment in place, let's dive into eight practical tips to elevate your product photography game:

1. Use proper lighting

The foundation of photography is lighting. To get the best possible image, try out several lighting configurations to see which suits your items the best. Soft, diffused lighting reduces glaring shadows and highlights for a more balanced, pleasing appearance. For a unified product catalog, make sure your lighting is consistent throughout all of your images.

2. Use a tripod

The use of a tripod is essential for product photography – it is basically a non-negotiable, must-have item. Your pictures will be clean and sharp since the camera shaking between your hands or on an unstable surface is eliminated. In addition, using a tripod allows you to more precisely arrange your images and, if necessary, test out longer exposure durations.

Related: Canon Tripod Grip

3. Get to know the rule of thirds

A basic composition method known as the rule of thirds splits your frame into nine equal sections, utilizing two horizontal and two vertical lines. For a balanced and aesthetically beautiful arrangement, place your product's major components at the intersections or along these lines. The rule of thirds aids in directing attention to the key features of your product, making your product stand out!

4. Take inspiration from brands you love

Examine product images from companies and brands you love or have a high audience reach. Take note of how they successfully promote their items by utilizing lighting, composition, and styling. Although you shouldn't blatantly mimic successful companies, taking inspiration from brands you love might provide you with insightful knowledge about what works in your field.

5. Use simple props

Keep your props straightforward and pertinent even if they might improve the context of your goods. Your product should always be the main emphasis. Props shouldn't detract from your product; they should enhance it. For instance, consider using a nice saucer and a little plant to give a sense of elegance to a shot of a coffee mug.

6. Take multiple shots from varying angles

When photographing products, varying the angles of your shots is crucial. To do so, you would need to take pictures of your products from various viewpoints and angles to fully display all of their qualities and features. Customers value having access to a product's whole surface area before making a purchase of the item. To create a compelling visual narrative, rotate the object, focus on the finer features, and try out various perspectives.

7. Display the details

Customers want to see all of your product's fine details before deciding whether to buy the item. To draw attention to texture, patterns, and superb craftsmanship, use close-up photographs. You may take precise pictures of these details with the use of macro lenses or the macro setting on your camera.

8. When in doubt, stick to a plain white background

A basic white backdrop is a secure and functional option if you're not sure what to use as the background for your product images. It has a simple, minimalist design that puts the focus on your goods. For consistency's sake, a lot of e-commerce platforms and marketplaces use white backdrops.

In conclusion, mastering product photography necessitates a blend of appropriate tools and practical methods. With the help of a quality camera, lighting and reflectors, tripods, and backdrops, and following the tips presented in this article, you can start taking gorgeous product images that draw customers in and increase sales. Never underestimate the power of repetition and experimentation; sometimes, you might need to take more than one shot or try different things to finally decide on which photograph you are using. Therefore, don't be hesitant to try new things and hone your abilities over time. Your business's success will be impacted as your abilities in product photography advance.